City of Milwaukee Clean & Green starts Monday, April 18th, and runs through May 27th, 2022. Crews will collect up to six cubic yards (about the size of a recliner). These will occur during your usual garbage collection date.
During your assigned Project Clean and Green zone week, place your unwanted items at their regular garbage collection point – either the curb or alley line. For curb pick-up, please ensure that all items are kept out of the street and instead placed along the area between the sidewalk and curb, on the lawn edge if there is no sidewalk, or at the end of the driveway. For alley collection, place items at the alley line.

According to the University of Washington’s College of Environment, calls to police were down 20% in neighborhoods were they did clean ups.
If you would like to work with SOC to coordinate a clean up on your block, neighborhood, vacant lot, or park – contact the SOC office at 414-672-8090 or [email protected].
SOC can help you: organize the clean up, get equipment and supplies, partner with other neighbors and community members like businesses and organizations, and get thank you gifts for participants (as supplies last)