Please see Volunteer and Jobs for other opportunities to help.
Give Time/Talent/Treasure
There are many ways you can join SOC’s efforts to achieve its mission and work including giving of your time, talent and treasures.
SOC is funded by individual donors, business/corporate donors, service contracts, fundraising, foundations like the Zilber Family Foundation and Catholic Campaign for Human Development, and public sources like Community Development Block Grants.
If you would like to partner with SOC with a financial contribution, you can visit our office, mail in a donation via a check, or go online to make a one time or recurring payment.
Please make out and mail checks to:
Southside Organizing Committee
1300 S Layton Blvd. 2nd Floor
Milwaukee, WI 53215
Or make a donation online.
If you would like to partner with SOC with an inkind contribution, you can contact us at [email protected] (414) 672-8090 or visit our office at address above.
SOC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We can provide you with a receipt for your charitable contribution for consideration as a tax-deduction to the extent permitted by law.
Every little bit helps!
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