SOC has a very small staff of organizers and relies on volunteer neighbors, student interns, and other near South side stakeholders to fulfill its mission and work.

Volunteering has many benefits including contributing to a stronger near South side of Milwaukee and the greater community; developing greater knowledge, skills, abilities, and networks for your portfolio and life; gaining a deeper understanding of the community, its strengths, and its challenges; exposure to diverse people and organizations; and the list goes on and on.

You can help with:

  • a single task like mailings and cleaning
  • an event
  • a project like neighborhood clean ups or resident surveys
  • an infrastructure needs like social media or office work
  • a program like translations or housing info. & resources workshops

Our interns (field placements, work study, community service, etc.) focus on one major area of interest and also complete a circuit through our community work and infrastructure support.

Many nonprofits, like SOC, do not have enough resources to meet all the needs they are facing. If you have a specific talent/skill you would like to offer in support of SOC’s mission and work, please feel welcome to offer that support on terms that work for you!

Some of our top needs include the following, but feel free to share other support as well:

  • Board of Directors governance membership or committee membership
  • Branding, Marketing, Communication, and Public Relations
  • Collaborations, Partnerships & Coalition building
  • Compliance and Risk/Liability
  • Fiscal/Finance
  • Human Resource (including staff, interns, and volunteers)
  • Operations (including clerical/office work, facility handy work, cleaning, receptionist, IT, equipment, etc.)
  • Organizational Development
  • Programs including:
    • grassroots organizing;
    • leadership development (individual and group, monthly workshops);
    • unity/diversity/inclusion;
    • engagement of residents and other stakeholders including community surveys/needs assessments, awareness, education, outreach, engagement, development, and empowerment;
    • crime reduction and safety initiatives;
    • housing resources and services (information, referral, graffiti removal, monthly workshops);
    • bilingual services (interpretation and translations);
    • youth/young adult education, career/employment support, leadership development, monthly workshops, etc.;
    • neighborhood development & improvement (joining supporting, or starting a neighborhood group/resident association, area clean ups, vacant lot transformations, gardens, parks, events and activities, etc.);
    • business development & improvement (joining, supporting. or starting a business group, supporting events and activities, etc.);
    • issues (Immigrant information, resources, and services; intervention/diversion efforts for persons involved in street prostitution; housing ordinances for sex offenders,
    • events (annual Legacy Awards Retro Ball, annual grassroots organizing conference, etc.);
    • eco & urban environment initiatives (recycling, water conservation and quality. rain barrels, rain gardens, organic vegetable gardens, monthly workshop, etc.)
  • Quality Assurance (surveys, outcomes, research, best practices, etc.)
  • Resource Development (fundraising, friend-raising, etc.)

If you are interested in volunteering or in an internship, Please fill out a volunteer form or contact us at: (414) 672-8090  or  [email protected]

Volunteer Form (Time/Talents and Skills)